Microsoft PowerPoint PPT| Complain and FIR | BA 1st year

Microsoft PowerPoint PPT| Complain and FIR | BA 1st year

Microsoft PowerPoint PPT| Complain and FIR| English paper 1| BA 1st year

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular program that helps in presentations and slide shows. This program was developed by Robert Gasting and Dennis Austin on 20 April 1987. It was specially made for Macintosh computers. After three months of its release, it was acquired by Microsoft. Since then, it is a special and separate part of Microsoft company. 

Today it gain so much popularity as it is the first thought in every mind when it came to giving a presentations in school or at the workplace. PowerPoint contains several features such as adding things or using templates. The slides are also of several types according to the need of the user. For the beautification of the presentation, PowerPoint provides the background music and the opening designs for every slide. For a better understanding of the topic, users can also use animation and pictures. 

Benefits of PowerPoint presentation

 •In depth knowledge about the topic. 

•Better understanding. 

•Can be your teacher in the absence of teacher. 

•Effective tool for online and distant education. 

•Attracts listeners and make them to pay proper attention. 

•Help to build confidence. 

How to write PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a poster presentation. Instead of physical posters, it is a content poster. They work as oral presentation rather than speaking notes. Audio-send videos can be used to increase understandability. PowerPoint has three basic components:

Text– As PowerPoint plays the role of oral presentation, it should contains minimum text. Text should not be in blocks. It should be organised in points with key headings. Text should be catchy and should only contains definition key points and important facts. 

Images– Images can illustrate your points very well and can attract listeners. Images can be used in the slide which only contains a caption as a visual for whatever you are presenting orally. 

Graphs and Tables– Presentation can also contains graphs and tables in order to avoid detailed explanation or information. They are easy to understand and our pleasant to eyes in comparison to vast text. 


 A complain is basically an acquisition that is made to Magistrate either by complaint or by information about the offence has been committed. The complain has been written under Criminal Procedure Code. It can be written for both cognizable or non-cognizable offences. Complaint can be written by individual or by Institute who wants to inform something. 

Filing an complaint

 No special format has been prescribed for writing a complaint. However, some points can be remembered while writing a complaint:

• At the top of complaint date in time must be mentioned at extreme right corner. 

• On the left-hand side it should be mentioned to whom the complaint is made which can be Station Head Officer (SHO) or the other high police officials as per the case. 

• The brief headline must be made in complaint for the police official to understand and determine the complaint. 

First Information Report (FIR) 

The first information report is the written document of the victim of any offence filed by the police. It is an offence for which the police can take action without the prior court notice (warrant). Anyone who is the victim or the witness of the offence can file the FIR. A police officer can himself or can FIR if he or she came to know about any offence. Anyone can file an FIR statement by oral statement or in writing. A telephonic message can be treated as FIR. 

An FIR is a very important document for police to start an investigation. No one can file false FIR. One can be prosecuted for filing false FIR or misleading the police under section 203 of the Indian Panel code 1860. The procedure of filing an FIR is prescribed under section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code. After the record of the statement it must be signed by the person giving the information.